B&W Matrix speakers owners preferably

I have a pair of B&W Matrix 800s. Powered by a Krell FPB 600 amp and a ARC Ref 6 preamp. I have them quad wired. I am extremely happy with the sound, but now I’m getting a big itch to bi amp them or quad amp them. I’m ready to pull the plug on an ARC ref 750 and I would like to use these for my tweeter and midrange and my Krell for my bass on my 800s. Can I do this for these speakers. ?? And what do u think on the sound ? BTW I only listen to CDs and I have a Rega ISIS. I also use a Krell B&W BAF. Bass alignment filters. . (2) balanced.  Thanks.  Mike. 

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@68pete   Ive decided to just use the ARC REF 750s. I just bought and I’m selling the Krell FPB 600. Listed it on here a few days ago. 

@hiend2  Decided to just use the ARC REF 750s I just bought and sell my Krell FPB 600. U and a VERY VERY few people said that the ARC REF 750s will sound better. I also agree. The only thing I think will be better than the ARC REF 750s is the Krell FPB bass. The FPB is phenomenal to me with the deep bass but it lacks clarity with the mids and highs to me especially with the vocals. Some times it even sounds alittle muddy and can’t see it being the ARC REF 6. I am also going to be upgrading my 6 to a REF 6 SE from ARC.