All New Wharfedale Dovedale Loudspeakers : Giant Killers ?!

These speakers won one of the best-of-show awards from Audio Bacon at Axpona 2023 Show ! They are already on Backorder everywhere now !  

Are they Giant Killer ? 🤔😈😃



I was at Axpona and considered them a top contending under $10k loudspeaker that I heard. One must consider the higher level of componets used within the system when demoed at Axpona. What impressed me most was the delicate/airy tweeter, maybe the Mastersound integrated was responsible. IMO I felt the Audiovector QR7($6500) was overall more refined/relaxed/natural and the Atohm GT2 HD($7500) was more neutral with enhanced speed and clarity. To answer your question "No Giant Killer" just a very competent speaker at its price point.