Audio Research in Receivership.

Papers were filed on Friday. Some say AR’s doors are closed for business. 


I think one option could be a spinoff. I have no idea what IP and patents they have, but this is such a complex science, and partly art that an amp company has two great assets: the engineers and the process. Minneapolis is the birthplace of so many inventions and innovations, the culture is there, they just need proper management.

The ghost meters are cool, but I find products capable of rolling to different tube types, auto bias circuits, and means to troubleshoot a bad tube far more appealing.

@walkertm From The Ref 160M description (also applies to 160S and 80S):

The REF160M also features a proprietary auto-bias circuit that works with various tubes types, including 6550, KT88, and KT120, in addition to the supplied KT150 and works constantly to maintain precise bias of the output tubes, while also adjusting for tube wear. There is no need to check or adjust bias ever again.

Further speculation on boards like this is beyond pointless. I’m just waiting out to see what happens the next month. If my Ref 6 becomes unsellable, that sucks but it's no big deal to me - it’s still an amazing sounding preamp and I’ll find a use for it.

I have been a fan of ARC since the mid 90’s. I am saddened that they are struggling and wish them all the best. I for one do not want to see this brand disappear into history. Visiting their factory many times over the years I always respected how they built things, and measures of quality control. So, despite the exhortative price tag of their products, I appreciate the value they represent. That being said, their products being so expensive and limited in their flexibility, I do see as a hinderance to purchasing their product. $5500.00 for an entry level integrated is a lot of money, for something that the competition sells at a cheaper price and can do more.  I am hoping they will take a long hard look at their line and the capabilities their components currently have. I would like to see them offer more affordable big bang for the buck solutions; like Gallion, PrimaLuna, Rogue, and Willsenton. The ghost meters in the current line of amps are cool, but I find products capable of rolling to different tube types, having features like auto bias circuits, and means to troubleshoot a bad tube far more appealing.

Audio Research make a very good sound,the problem is on its sales channel. 

They go the dealers and make the final sale price very high,way higher than the factory price. Look at Tesla cars! The cars must be complicated than the amplifier,as the cars include the hifi system,and much more. But Tesla let you order online as a retailer client. Why Audio Research can't??? Bring the retail price down is the first job,they need do. Get the direct channel instead of dealer way. Audio Research will make profit soon in the future.


Re the point about asymmetry in market presence between European & US brands: I live in Scotland and spent the last several months trying to audition (and hopefully buy) an ARC amplifier. I approached all the listed dealers within several hours drive - few responded, and all who did simply tried to sell me other brands.

I approached the UK distributor directly - no response. I’ve no bought an Octave (German) and am very pleased with it. The self-inflicted idiocy of Brexit shouldn’t have impacted shipping from the US, so I’m going to just guess at a combo of the factory being unable to ship product, plus the lazy arrogance of much of the UK’s ‘high end’ dealers and distributors.