New owner of used Cary 306 SACD

Friends, am very excited to add this player to my arsenal as my first high end player. It will be paired to a Halcro MC20 driving Newform Research speakers. I will be running the Cary directly to the amp. Had an Atma Sphere pre amp that caused a stubborn humm. Have been running an old Ah Tjoeb directly to the Halcro with no ill effects.
Would appreciate any suggetions from you Cary owners regarding platform for the unit, spikes, settings or any other helpful tweaks.
Many thanks,
OK here goes.

I have experimented with various things under the CDP. Now have it sitting on a granite slab with Finite Elemente Ceraballs underneath. It makes a slight difference but not enough for me to bother doing it again.

The player has a true balanced audio output. Four DAC's per balanced output (two for PCM, two for DSD). This is extravagant and unusual, and you should take advantage of the balanced output. The difference is huge, much bigger than any other tweak.

Cover the window with a CD cover when you are spinning a disc. This improves resolution and soundstage. This is free and yields an improvement in my system.

The player also has switchable upsampling modes on PCM, from 44.1kHz to 768kHz. There is a difference between 44.1kHz and 512kHz, but minimal difference between 512 and 768. I leave mine on 768kHz.

Have fun with your player. I love mine :)
Watch your cables - power and IC. You have the type of system where you can get good benefit from proper matching. You should be able to hear differences easily enough. If you don't care for the sound madly, then try one or two different power cords and IC cables as it will tweak the sound nicely. Go with very high quality on the cdp to amp connection. This will influence the result more than any tweak.
Amfibius, your comment re the balanced outputs is well taken. The Halcro is true balanced, which is one of the reason I bought the Cary.
Douglas, I will start with the XLR Anticables I have. No aftermarket pc yet. As I have never really experimented with other IC's or pc's, can you make some specific suggestions that might have the right synergy. Frankly, I would prefer to buy my way up the food chain (diminishing returns and all that - or buy better used) rather than immediately dropping a pile of money on new exotic stuff. I have been reading some about the Jena Labs V which is a $175 pc from a very reputable mfg. Again, any suggestions would be appreciated.
I had a friend selling his 306 and could get it for a great price. I wanted it bad. Doing an A/B comparison with my Trivista SACD made me pass on it. It has even more output at a lower impedance than my Trivista which is nice in my passive setup. Listening tests quickly confirmed one player better than the other. While SACD playback was similar on the two the Trivista smoked it on redbook. I didn't want that to happen! Image and soundstage were similar, bass a little more or better on the Cary but the mids and HF were so much better on the Tri. The Cary had a digital edge and harshness. Bummer! I wanted that player. I want to hear a 306 Pro as I know when my Tri transport goes it becomes a very big DAC. There are no more transports or parts for it.