Test CD

Can anyone recommend a CD to use that can test the frequency response of a speaker? And what will it cost and where can I find one?

Also, is a burn in CD required? In the past I've used Classical CD's in my collection that have a wide range of frequencies to burn in a new pair of speakers. Wondering if a dedicated CD would be better?
John Atkinson, Editor of Stereophile, created a series of test cds with various tracks to help set-up a system. Frequency response was certainly one of them.

You might see if Stereophile still sells them on their site. If not, I've seen them come up on Ebay every now and then.

Test CD 3 has the Frequency Response tracks. It's the only one I have so I'm not sure about the others.

Edited to add: I just found them on the Music Direct site. So, there you go.
"Also, is a burn in CD required? In the past I've used Classical CD's in my collection that have a wide range of frequencies to burn in a new pair of speakers. Wondering if a dedicated CD would be better?"

Music is fine to break in speakers, but if you use white noise, it may get the job done faster. You won't hear too much on this from high end equipment manufacturers, though. There's a conspiracy throughout the industry to keep break in times longer than the average return policy. That way, if you don't like whatever you bought, you won't be able to bring it back. Its the only way they can stay in business.
Granite Audio has a couple but seem to be overpriced $50.
I bought 2 here on Agon in an auction years ago (CD-102 and CD-103). I used it to break in a replacement pair of speakers that had a flaw in the finish. The original pair of speakers took 400 hrs of just playing music on them. The replacement pair took 450 hrs playing music while I was home and looping on white and pink noise and frequency sweeps while away or sleeping at night.

That said I tried using it to set up a sub. Big mistake. What sounded like a perfect sweep sounded horrible when playing music (way too much bass).
This CD(http://www.musicdirect.com/p-6813-cardas-ayre-acoustics-ibe-burn-in-cd.aspx) contains Pink, White and Brown noise tracks, which can all be used to burn-in speakers or electronics. The Pink Noise track can be used, with a spectrum analyzer, to test speaker/room freq response.
I use the Isotek burn in cd to burn in my equipment and the Stereophile cd to set up the system.