any info on PCW model 900 speakers

2 way monitors made in tacoma wa.has 7 1/2 lb magnet on woofs[866 4ohm,67-92200022 G5] on label on magnet,alsso an unusual metal dome tweeter.heavy blonde oak cabs 16" x 10" x 8", any info would be helpfulbefore I have them refoamed to give them a listen,thank you in advance
Still no info on these,I refoamed them anyway; Good Score! pecise,very musical,nice presence,and they articulat well, [ not as dark or polite as I would like ] IMO in a league with my Focal Chorus 807`s ,and Sonus Faber Home`s.

I know this is an old post, but I have these speakers as well--and also have all paperwork from when we purchased them back in the nineties.  Would like to chat with you if you are still interested.

I am going to buy a pair of these and would appreciate the information.

Please and thank you! 




I can scan and send you the information, but if you are purchasing speakers that were built in this century they are likely not the same ones.  Are they signed?