Amps on top?

I have read that an amp should not be on your top shelf, but rather on the bottom 

Is there anything to this?  Assuming a well-isolated system throughout.  


@rodman99999 ....*L*  Well, yeah....we design, build, and install playground structures (beats a 'real' job), so it kinda comes with the turf....

In our case, playground mulch or surfacings....details, details.... ;)

MOF, got a pallet with HDG steel frames and hardware sharing our parking space.

*L* 'Someone's' got to 'do' this sort of thing...."

Once upon a while, I used to 'do' commercial graphics and 'cocktail party' quip when asked 'What do you do?' was....

"I get to tell you where to go...."

That got varied responses.... ;)

(Bay Area, later in buildings, hospitals, garage structures...that sort of thing.  Like doing playgrounds, the kids are more appreciative of being told where and what to play on and with....*G*)

A bedroom 'lift' would help get me out of bed...not so much 'up'....I can still manage That by self, thanks for not asking.... ;) *LOL*

@asvjerry -

"...mine is 2 slabs of cast-off 1.5" stone of indeterminate nature with a beefy pine frame....takes 2 to move empty...

A bedroom 'lift' would help get me out of bed...not so much 'up'....I can still manage That by self, thanks for not asking.... ;) *LOL*"

                      A good Carpenter lets no, "wood" go to waste, right?


*G* Like the man said @rodman99999 .....

"Never waste an erection..."

...or something addressing or undressing that situation...

If concrete floored, lay some b&m; but mine is a leased space.

The landlord has liked us for nearly a decade, but Bob does have his limits... ;)

I push enough envelopes already, and as is said:

"Know what to kiss...and When." dream, perhaps to sleep, ciao, J

@bdp24 -

" The companies that mount their output tubes on vertically-orientated circuit boards are apparently not concerned with that issue. I am."

                          Agreed, but: there are exceptions



       Designed to set up their own airflow, but: look like they could do a good job convection roasting one's Prime Rib, if, "on the bottom".  


Right @rodman99999, but those tubes are not mounted on circuit boards inside an amp enclosure, where the heat would flow past circuit components. The Wavestream V8 is one cool (no pun intended ;-) looking amplifier! So is the Atma-Sphere M60.