Metralla asked "What do you need your dock to do?" You will need to answer that question first.
I'll venture a guess based on your request for something to use out on the deck. I'm guessing that this means you want a portable music system that you can stick your iPod into and it will be a complete playback system, including speakers. Is that correct? Does it need to run off of batteries or will you be able to plug it into AC out on the deck?
Here's what I use for a fully portable playback system: iPod connected to a Tivoli PAL portable radio. I use a cheap cable from Radio Shack which i believe is a 1/8" mini-stereo/headphone to 1/8" mini-stereo/headphone cable. It connects from the headphone output of the iPod into the mini-stereo aux. input of the PAL.
The PAL is a really nice portable radio. I think Tivoli may have replaced it with the iPAL, which looks just about identical, except it doesn't have the tough rubberized protective outside layer.
If you need/want a more elegant solution, the VERS from VERSAudio looks like a real winner. Here's a link to an excellent review:,