Bass is a very subjective thing! I used to have a pair of Klipschorns and what I found was the base response was so low and went through the walls in the floor that it wasn’t truly clear and accurate! What you have to remember is that the vibration of a string is not a constant! There’s slight pitch variations in each note played on the bass! At the same time this will vary from bass to bass! Also, it does depend on the player and how he strikes the note whether it is with a bow ,fingers, or a pick! All of those determine the sound! Also with a bass string there is a certain amount of decay so if your system sounds like a tone but during the decay starts to gain detail you would adjust for turning bass back! What I think you are referring to or at least I referred to as as mud! It just sounds like a tone, but it doesn’t have realism! I always opt for realism over depth of tone, anytime! But whatever you prefer, works for you! Trust your ears, and what your ears have learned over the years what is preferable to you and soothe your soul!