Thanks for all the responses.
Jhold and Bob_reynolds (the president of my company is Bob Reynolds!!!). . .I considered the Benchmark but the modded DLIII seems like it provides better performance (albeit at a higher price).
Elevick. . .I agree that the stock Denon sounds pretty good.
Danlib1. . .the Havana certainly looks nice for the money. What have you compared it to? There isn't a lot of information out on the web. . .
Audphile1. . .I really like Bel Canto products, particularly their look. I was considering the CD2 and/or the DAC3 but the CD2 doesn't do HDCD and it seems like the DAC3 can be bettered by other less expensive units.
Samhar. . .the Raysonic 168 doesn't do HDCD so I would go with the 128 if I went Raysonic. Raysonics look great and seem to be built like a tank.
Anyone have any experience with the Original 2008 MK2? A fully modded unit is only slightly more than the Raysonic 128. . .
Jhold and Bob_reynolds (the president of my company is Bob Reynolds!!!). . .I considered the Benchmark but the modded DLIII seems like it provides better performance (albeit at a higher price).
Elevick. . .I agree that the stock Denon sounds pretty good.
Danlib1. . .the Havana certainly looks nice for the money. What have you compared it to? There isn't a lot of information out on the web. . .
Audphile1. . .I really like Bel Canto products, particularly their look. I was considering the CD2 and/or the DAC3 but the CD2 doesn't do HDCD and it seems like the DAC3 can be bettered by other less expensive units.
Samhar. . .the Raysonic 168 doesn't do HDCD so I would go with the 128 if I went Raysonic. Raysonics look great and seem to be built like a tank.
Anyone have any experience with the Original 2008 MK2? A fully modded unit is only slightly more than the Raysonic 128. . .