Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage

I'm considering replacing either my amp or my pre. My system is profiled in my system link. Which do you think would improve soundstage/imaging more:
Replace the P3? I'd consider used McCormack, or a passive line stage, but my amp clips at 5v, which is what my DAC puts out when using the XLR outputs, and I'd like to try those someday...not sure a passive is a good fit for my system? Plus I require a remote. That's a deal breaker.
Replace the Rotel RB-1080? I'd consider parasound (a21 is a bit too pricey for me), used McCormack, odyssey, maybe even older krell or classe. I want XLR inputs tho.
Budget is $900-$1200 for either. Music spans the full gamut, excluding hip hop and country. Room is small, 12x12x8. I'm going to throw up some affordable foam acoustic absorption this summer (foam factory). Thnx in advance.
1. Treat the room. You're willing to buy expensive (relatively) component but cheapen out on foam. Go to ATS online and buy some absorption panels for first reflection points along sides and front and back and call it a day.

2. Tube pre would help.
A bit of an update my my Quad 22L2's specs, I find the manufacturer's information lacking and went hunting on the internet, there seems to be a consensus to the following:
Sensitivity: 89 db/1 W/1 m
Nominal impedance: 6 ohms
Impedance peaks: 60-70 Hz 17 ohms; 1-2 Khz 19 ohms
Impedance dips: 80-300 Hz 4 ohms; 6-15 Khz 4 ohms
Just FYI, folks...
Thanks Atmasphere. I was considering Focal's new Aria 926 (entry level floorstander) as a replacement for my Quad's, I'd always heard Focal's products were super efficient, but this is what I found on their site:
Sensitivity 2.83v/1m 91.5dB
Impedance 8 Ohms nominal, *2.9 Ohms minimum*
You have to go to the 906 bookshelf in the Aria line or the Chorus 816v floorstander to get impedance curves that don't go below 4 Ohms. This makes the Focals look power hungry to me, considering everything I've read...
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