I never cared for JVC XRCDs. I found them too bright and I never play them because of that. Of course, I guess it depends on your system.
HDCD vs the Newer SHM-CD, BluSpec, UHQCD, etc
Has anyone directly compared the early 1990s 20 bit HDCD format to todays 16 bit SHM, BluSpec, UHQCD, etc, improvements of Redbook?
I’ve been very happy with the audio quality improvements I’ve heard on the recent generations of CD improvements, via improved surface materials, internal materials and cutting/forming of the reflective mirrors which the laser reads. I’ve tried them all (I think? lol), but have been particularly disappointed with HDCD, an early ’90s format. Theoretically HDCD should be better, despite lacking the improved materials and manufacturing techniques of today’s SHM and similar CDs. Then I realized my Oppo 205 doesn’t decode HDCD, and I’ve only been listening to the standard Redbook 16 bit signal of the HDCDs I’ve bought (5 over the past few years).
Looking around I’ve noticed that there is a vast array of music titles available on the used HDCD market. So I’m wondering if I should get a second disc spinner from the used market just for HDCD’s, with the intent of dipping into the array of music in that format.
I’d greatly appreciate anyone’s thoughts, who has compared these source materials, before I just go out and spring for an HDCD player to find out if it’s worth it to buy more HDCD discs, rather than just stick with the improved 16 Bit formulas available today. With that, yes, I also have a decent library of DVD-A, SACD & Hybrid SACD... but that field is limited, and generally pricy. Thanks!
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- 33 posts total
Thank you all for your input. After reading through the myriad of experiences you’ve taken the time to share with me, this is the direction I’ve decided to go... Since I know I can sell a used Oppo without much difficulty or loss of funds beyond website seller fees and shipping costs, I’ve decided to go ahead and buy an older Oppo to try out the HDCDs I already have in my inventory. I’ll be looking for appreciable SQ benefit over and above Redbook CD. I do have a few duplicate albums in Redbook, SACD, DVD-A, or improved Redbook of SHM quality, to compare the HDCDs too. If I find the SQ benefit worthy of keeping the extra disc-spinner, then I’ve opened the door to an entire market of more affordable hi-res albums not necessarily available on SACD, DVD-A, etc. They seem to run mostly in the price range of todays SHM, blu-spec, etc. I will come back to this thread, and likely post another thread, with my personal observations & comparisons. Thanks again! ~Rich System I'll be conducting the comparison on: Oppo UDP-205 + Furutech DPS4.1 w/ NCF-50/52 Power Cable + Silnote M1 Orion XLR output The new disc-spinner, probably an Oppo BDP-83 or 93 Classe SSP-800 Preamp + Furutech TCS-31 w/ NCF-50/52 Pwr Cbl + Silnote Poseidon II XLR output Carver 350 Raven Monoblock Tube Amps + DH Labs Red Wave w/ Furutech NCF-50/52 Pwr Cbl + Silnote Anniversary II Speaker Wire Output Paradigm Tribute 25th Anniversary Speakers Velodyne Optima-12 Subwoofer w/ Pangea 9 XL power cable Furutech GTX Receptacles (Rhodium & Gold mix) 2 x 20 Amp independent power lines direct to panel
@akg_ca Thanks,,,I hadn’t previously read on the XRCD, to see exactly what it is. From what I’ve now read, it seems XRCD, in its endstate anyway, is direct rival of HDCD born just after the failure of HDCD, brought about by Microsoft’s purchase of HDCD and mismanagement of it, along with the birth of the SACD/DVD-A war, which basically took everything hi-res down with it. Though XRCD seems to be the next logical generation of HDCD, using improved methods. On the downside, I don’t see much of an available library with XRCD, yet that doesn’t matter much since any player will reproduce it. So... one more hi-res format with titles available to buy into. Definitely a good thing. Thanks for your time to share!
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