Rega Owners Help


I have a Rega Apollo CDP and I mixed the stock power cable with a bunch other power cables from all my audio components.
Now, I can't remember which one is which.
Can somebody, who owns a Rega Apollo, look at the stock power cable and tell me what's written on it?
This way I can identify mine.
It would be very helpful.

Don't worry. All "stock" power cords that ship with any decent hifi kit are (virtually) identical. You will not go wrong and the Apollo will work/sound just fine.

"Upgraded" cabling is expensive and questionable in its contribution.
I would look for the original cord. I tried 3 different cords on my Apollo, 2 of which were stock cords from other hi-fi products and they sounded different in a way I did not like. I went back to the original cord. I will look at my cord tonight and write back if no one else does.
The cord I have is black and says SVT e90165 105c vw-1 18awgx36c ft2 ll57855 as best as I can read off the cable.