user poll on seperates vs integrated

Hey guys, I wanted to try and crowd-source some (likely very opinionated, unscientific) knowledge.  I've read about the benefits of separates (have only ever used integrated myself), and I'm wondering how those benefits compare to the benefits of higher end parts/assembly, when controlled for cost.


To put it more plainly, would you likely get better overall results from a $5000 preamp and $5000 amp, or from a $10,000 integrated, given the likely quality/components used in equipment in those price ranges.


If you're experienced both separates, and integrated amps that cost the equivalent of those separate parts added together, can you speak to which you preferred?


Thanks for weighing in.


I would say those claiming cheap separates (Parasound) are better than Integrated by Circle Labs, Norma Audio, Simaudio, Soulnote…are simply wrong. I will put a Norma IA-140 against any lower end separates system. 

For many years I enjoyed separate preamp and stereo amps (VAC and Ayre mostly) that provided the power (separate power supplies?) for the speakers I was using at the time.  A little over a year ago I moved to a Gryphon Diablo 300 with its DAC module.  The Gryphon easily provides the power for my Rockport speakers and I was able to retire multiple sets of interconnects and power cables.  The main issue IMO with some integrated amplifiers is they do not have a robust power supply to drive hi end speakers.  There are many excellent high end integrateds being produced today but the goal is to obtain one at a cost that matches one's budget and thoughtfully matches the load it will be expected to drive.  

I’ve had separates for over fifty years and bought my first integrated in the end of ‘21.  I’ve been very happy with the Hegel H390, but I’m not using the streaming part and I’m not using the DAC.  I haven’t started looking yet, but it’s only a matter of time before I start looking for a couple of amps.

In general, the decision to separate amp and preamp sections is to keep high power components away from sensitive lower power components. For the same reason some people prefer separate power supplies as well. It makes it much easier for designers to shield from EM fields and associated distortion.

There have been many advances in stereo components.

You cannot measure with "price points" however for a couple reasons.

1. Many components that are selling for 7-10K are over priced. Ive opened some of these up and marvel at the audacity of some of the pricing placed on mediocrity. A standard steel casement costs about $40 and I’ve seen these on $11,000 integrateds

2. Tastes cannot be assimilated into subjective reasoning. I’ve heard higher priced separates I have not liked as much as a set of $4000 separates.

But that’s me and my tastes.

There are many integrateds that produce wonderful assimilation of recorded music. The question remains if these inte’s fulfill your tastes sufficiently enough to be gratifying to you.

For instance, I can’t listen to Hegel stuff as I find them fatiguing thru resolute speakers. They’re impressive at first and wow many in audio salons.

You and many others here might love Hegel. Not me.

Go with a name brand that consensus wise, seems to float many boats such as ARC, (Paragon is selling the renowned Vsi 75 for $6K where these things were once $10K), Belles Signature, Music Fidelity 6 series, etc.Ffor separates, I've always liked the Quick Silver stuff and they're not crazy money.

I like "natural sounding". Not embellished with too much distortion to round off highs for the sake of bass or weight. Nor do I like highs that border on the sterile. I go for correct timbres, appropriate sound stage for the recording I'm listening to and spectacular imaging. One Vsi 75 thru Pro Ac Studio 100's does this enough for me.

Try to find descriptions of the listeners taste in sound reproduction or else reviews are absolutely worthless otherwise.