Need recommendation for new CD/SACD player

I bought an Oppo 981 secondhand a while back to test the waters of SACD/DVD-Audio. I will say that the SACD sounds pretty good on this player and of the two DVD-Audio discs I have the sound is ok. The redbook audio is absolutely terrible, which I am finding out is a major weakness of this player. My old Technics CD from 1992 sounded better.

I am now in the market for a new SACD/CD player. DVD-Audio is not important and in fact I would like to leave DVD out of the equation all together if possible. So I am here to ask what are users opinions on the best CD/SACD player for under $2000? I have been looking at the Marantz, Denon, and Sony ES models. Also, do you think if I get a model for $1000 that I should add an external DAC for the RBCD? Is there a model that would be great standalone (even if I need to spend a bit more money?). Lastly since I think the SACD and DVD-Audio of the Oppo is decent, should I just spend a grand on a decent DAC (like Benchmark) and use that setup for a while? My other equip for reference is an old Carver C-1 preamp (the next upgrade), a Macintosh MC 250 amp, and Klipsch Heresey speakers, I also have a modded Technics 1210 coming soon. Thanks for the advice.
Reubent, I checked out the link and am worried it would be like "putting lipstick on a pig" (I know, politcal ref but appropriate here). If the cost was half the $1100 I would seriously consider it. I am going to pick up a Sony 9100es as recommended by Chayro and I will do a side-by-side. If the Sony sounds decent I will just relegate the Oppo to my bedroom setup which consists of a cheap 720p 32" and HD cable box (it will probably only be used by the wife or visiting nieces though).

If the Sony isn't what I expected then I will buy an external DAC and see which is better. After that I may consider modding the winner ( for the Sony but it is a lot more money than the EVS). Anyway, thanks for the tip.
Jlc76 - using external DAC for SACD doesn't sound like a good plan. You will loose quality on translation to PCM, but if you decide to go that route anyway remember that for some DACs like Benchmark DAC1 quality of the transport does not make any difference - don't spend too much money. SACD might not last very long - most of BlueRay don't even support it (according to Stereophile).
No, I will feed the SACD through the analog out and the red book cd out digitally.
Jlc76 - Sounds good. SACD players reviewed by Stereophile had pretty poor redbook performance. There are other formats on the horizon. Some artists (Neil Young, Mellencap) are pushing new format CODE. It is 24bit/96kHz 2 channel recording on DVD media. New Mellencamps record was released in CODE. Prices should be same as standard CDs and you should be able to play it on any DVD player. 96kHz is a huge improvement making filtering much better.
You should check out the new Arcam cd37 from their FMJ line. It's a dedicated 2-channel CD/SACD player - no video. I haven't heard it yet, but if it's anywhere as good as their CD23 cd player (which I own) it should be on your short list of machines to consider. -jz