Left Channel Blues

After three and a half years of listening to my MA252 through SF Olympia IIIs with virtually no problems and much enjoyment, at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks, the left speaker goes very quiet and really crackly or fuzzy. 

So, unplug receiver, unplug speaker cables from receiver, then unplug cables from the speakers . . . wait 5 to ten minutes, reverse the steps above . . . AND it’s like it never happened. 

Today, I listened to cds for 3+ hours, all good, then, power up at midnight . . . Poof . . left channel gone again.

Speaker cables are Maze Audio (rip David) Eden series 12 gauge copper twisted pair configuration with 14k banana plugs on both ends.

What gives ?  Thoughts and recommendations will be appreciated !

This time after unplugging all cables, I will switch left for right speaker cables to see if right channel goes out . . . which hopefully will identify if problem is speaker cable or the amplifier.  Thanks all. 






Mea culpa . . rip, Kent Maze.  He always took the time to speak with me on any question regarding his products.  A very nice man. 

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If you have another set of speakers (alternate pair), hook up

those speakers and if you hear the sound you can eliminate a speaker (main pair) problem.