Anyone heard PSB Imagine T3?


Have anyone heard this speaker? How does it sound? How is the speaker compared to Synchrony One? I had Synchrony One for some years ago and know it very well.

Thanks for answers! But are the treble laidback and smooth? If the record is harsh, is the sound harsh? If the record has sharp sss-sound on vocals, is it sharp sss-sound from the speakers? Mostly all high end speakers plays bad produced records this way: "Shit in = shit out".
I want a speakers/amp that are laidback. I play much 80's hard rock, which has a harsh production.
I had the Synch One, and that was too harsh on bad recordings to my taste. Maybe an other amp could helped me.

And: Are they easy to place in a living room?
I really feel interconnects,source & quality of software determine if the sound is harsh or unpleasant..
That being said these speakers are on the mild side of treble.If I play a Good LP the electric Guitar solo isn't harsh..If I play a genric LP of Bad Company the guitars are harsh.
The Speakers are well balanced on the laid back side of neutral
These speakers are relatively easy to place in the living room.
I started with them 3 feet from the back wall and slowly listened while moving each time..
I would say 80's music is gong to sound harsh on these speakers unless adjustments are made..
Likely Tube amp/preamp or analogue sounding cd player like the one I have/Denon 1650.
Do you think I can f.example use a mcIntosh MA8000 to the T3's and make adjustments with the EQ, to make the 80's recordings NOt sound harsh?

Does anyone know if the treble on T3 is more laidback that Synchrony One?
We just got our demo pair of T3 in to the shop and I have to agree with the other posters, for the money they are amazing speakers,

We compared the T3 to the Syn One we just took a pair back in trade and the difference is huge.

The Mc eq will make a small difference in making an older bad 80's recording any difference, as the recording technology and mastering for many recordings had too much compression