Left Channel Blues

After three and a half years of listening to my MA252 through SF Olympia IIIs with virtually no problems and much enjoyment, at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks, the left speaker goes very quiet and really crackly or fuzzy. 

So, unplug receiver, unplug speaker cables from receiver, then unplug cables from the speakers . . . wait 5 to ten minutes, reverse the steps above . . . AND it’s like it never happened. 

Today, I listened to cds for 3+ hours, all good, then, power up at midnight . . . Poof . . left channel gone again.

Speaker cables are Maze Audio (rip David) Eden series 12 gauge copper twisted pair configuration with 14k banana plugs on both ends.

What gives ?  Thoughts and recommendations will be appreciated !

This time after unplugging all cables, I will switch left for right speaker cables to see if right channel goes out . . . which hopefully will identify if problem is speaker cable or the amplifier.  Thanks all. 






Gotta be the amp.  Vanishingly unlikely you have an intermittent cable connection.

As an retired electronics repair tech, iso the problem one step at a time. Starting at the far end of the chain and working backwards. Speaker, speaker connection, speaker wire, termination at the amp and so on. Always keep in mind that just the act of handling these links in the chain can cause the problem to disappear, therefore the isolation must be verified at least twice. Guessing or assuming is not allowed. Any link in the chain can go belly-up at any time. This is one of the more perplexing and time consuming troubles to pinpoint. Guessing and checking one thing here then one thing there is a time waster. Regards    AB


Left channel lost volume and got crackly after 2 hours of CD playing again . . . hadn’t done that for at least 4 months  

This time, DUH, I switched to Unbal 2 input and listened to Spotify through my Mc MB50 streamer and No problems. 

So, unplugged both ends of my AQ 1m interconnect and cleaned and dusted it and replugged it . . problem appears solved. 

Also (mind games) but left channel seems louder and cleaner now?

Would not have thought that leaving this ic plugged in for nearly 4 years could cause this problem.  And why only left channel?

Anyway, will update if problem returns again. Wtf, over !