Lua Appasionato MkIII had a rave review in the German magazine "Stereo" (trustworthy imo) but I have never heard it. As far as general statements have any validity, then, I have found Lua gear to be euphonic (eú-phonos: I use the term without any aftertaste) yet detailed, painting broad stages, "breathing". I have the Lua Con Fuoco speakers and find them excellent both with tubes and ss amp. Then again, a few years ago (i.e. before Appasionato saw the light) I auditioned the Lua Cantilena SEL and found the Jadis JD3 better in every respect, more lifelike and emotional.
Clavil, since you ask specifically for European players, may I ask where you are located? Depending thereon, there might be a few further alternatives, such as the Pink Faun.
Mr. Tennis, sorry for not coming back yet, I have to dig in my memory some quiet moment.
Clavil, since you ask specifically for European players, may I ask where you are located? Depending thereon, there might be a few further alternatives, such as the Pink Faun.
Mr. Tennis, sorry for not coming back yet, I have to dig in my memory some quiet moment.