the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

Cary SACD 306 Professional!

Check out the write up in the latest issue of Stereophile.

That or McIntosh MCD500 if you don't have any/many HDCD disks
I agree that the CD-7 is one of the best, if not THE best CDP you can get for under $10k. Before getting the CD-7, I have evaluated in MY system the following players:

- MBL 1531
- Audio Aero Capitole mk II
- Audio Aero Capitole Reference
- Audio Aero Capitole Reference Signature
- Accuphase DP-500
- Accuphase DP-78
- Accuphase DP-700
- Krell KPS-20i
- Krell Evo 505
- Resolution Audio Opus 21
- Naim CD555

Out of all of the pplayers listed, CD-7 was clearly the best on redbook CD format (I do not care about SACD).

Recently, I borrowed the new dCS Puccini for a week and that was the first CDP that bettered CD-7. The only problem I have with dCS is that it costs $20k ... over double of what CD-7 costs.

Oh well.
>>Cary 306, ARC CD7/8 or the VK-D5 24bit...closer to vinyl it don't get!<<
it is not really that close unless you place them on the same rack.
Then again, it depends on the vinyl rig .......doesn't it?
It would be helpful if you stated, which analog setup are you referring to.
Just curious.
Mrjstark, you are trying to pin a mosquito to the wall. I am refering to the general qualities of vinyl vs digital...harmonics are complete, fleshed out and relaxed without the compression and two dimensionality of most SS players.