Infinity Primus P363 TAS review

Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things?
I don't have anything to do today so I decided to do an experiment to kill some time. I went to Stereophile's web site and clicked on reviews for speakers. I don't have any audio magazines at all, so it was my only option. I scrolled down to the conclusions sections of the first 10 or so reviews that came up. Didn't look at who the reviewer was, I just went through the list. Here's a quote from the end of each review.

I kept thinking that Sjöfn HiFi's The Clue was probably extremely good—maybe even some sort of breakthrough, especially for the price.

Wharfedale's flawless—and remarkable—Jade 3 punches way beyond its price. In fact, I'd recommend that anyone with a speaker budget of up to $5000/pair consider the Jade 3—you can use your savings to buy a better turntable or electronics, or, better still, spend it on some of the super reissue vinyl that's flooding the market.

At $1500/pair, this speaker is an extraordinary value. It has become my favorite bookshelf speaker for under $2000/pair.

Revel's Performa3 M106 is an extraordinary bookshelf loudspeaker. Its strengths impressed me across the board, especially for a speaker of its size and price.

Once again, Dynaudio has done it. Can you justify spending any more than $3000 on a pair of speakers?

Phase Technology's $1400/pair PC60 CA stands out from the pack. In fact, I strongly recommend that anyone shopping for bookshelf speakers costing up to $2000/pair place these near the top of his or her list.

ATC's SCM19 v.2 delivers bass extension, detail, fullness, and presence to such greater extents than its smaller sibling, the SCM7, that I consider the $2200/pair more it costs to be more than fully justified. Indeed, I consider the larger speaker to be so much the better value at $3699/pair that I fear that for many listeners, buying the SCM7 would be a false economy.

I've now reviewed several dozen bookshelf speakers, and can think of none that offers more sound quality per dollar than the Elan 10.

As such, it's a testament to the ability of creative speaker designers to trickle technology down from the highest of the high end to affordable prices.

GoldenEar Technology has produced a stunning achievement in the Aon 2, with strengths that are unusual for a bookshelf speaker of this size and price.

For $1000, I can't imagine obtaining significantly better sound than from a pair of ClairAudient Ones properly set up and used within their dynamic range low-frequency extension limitations.

Now, heres another look at the OP:

"Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things? "

To me, it just fits in with all the other reviews.
"Skepticism good. Cynicism bad." I like that, Onhwy61. It can be a fine line. I have to watch that myself.
"Skepticism good. Cynicism bad." I like that, Onhwy61. Wise words.
It can be a fine line. I have to watch that myself.
Both are irrelevant, TRUTH is all that matters.
That said , Cynics are almost always the jilted lovers of the good and beautiful with broken hearts, Skeptics are the indifferent, indifference is the opposite of love.