the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

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for one:
I did not get Isabella/Isabellina DAC preamp based on Srajan's review but way before that...........[if you would have read the review (beginning) carefully and bother to check my preamp upgrade path , you would have known that already].
There wasn't one instance when I bought any gear based on any review or published recommendation.

second: I enjoy tube-rolling as much as the next guy, but what the $@&# tube "A" or tube "B" got to do with "SOUNDS LIKE ANALOG" """"""""""

thirth: I am very familiar with BAT and while it is not a bad CDP , it is FAR from what you compare it to - "The Walker Proscenium Gold"

Those two shouldn't be in the same sentence IMO.

hi dave:

i bought the bat cd player about two years ago. i gues we will agree to disagree. however, it is foolish to question someone's perceptions unless you are accusing me of misrepresenting what i hear.

i have no idea why you are in love with the bat cd player. you are entitled to your opinions. never question my perception. i have not questioned yours.
I wish everyone a Nerry Chrsitmas and a Happy New Year...happy listening:)