Why 432hz Tuning?

A while back I made a post about the 432-EVO streamer and it's ability to convert the signal to 432hz tuning. There was much discussion about why would you convert to 432hz from our current 440hz. This post is not about equipment but this conversion of tuning. I stumbled across this video that offers an excellent observation. This may be a bit deep for some of you and I get it but if you watch the whole thing I think a good argument can be made for 432hz tuning. Oh, and I really don't care if you agree or don't agree or whether you like it or don't like it, I'm merely providing information. Enjoy by removing the spaces.....

https: //www.you tube.   com/watch    ?v=_cHHRXJRIAE


Post removed 

@cfarrow ,

"This post is not about equipment but this conversion of tuning."

Maybe should have read that before posting your eloquent response.

That’s a know frequency where many music compositions are made for its

band is positive ,many meditation music is around that frequency.

Just as an addition, I have a friend who is blessed/cursed with perfect pitch. There are two types, relative and absolute. People with an absolute perfect pitch are very much disturbed when music is not aligned with their inbuilt standard.

Google sent me to a scientific article with lots of interesting information about 440 vs 432: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1550830718302763#:~:text=4-,The%20current%20reference%20frequency%20for%20tuning%20musical%20instruments%20is%20440,central%20octave%20of%20the%20piano.&text=This%20frequency%20value%20was%20established,standard%20tuning%20for%20music%20worldwide.

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