Border Patrol Se-i vs Audio Mirror Troubadour MK III

Happy Thanksgiving all.
I am looking to transition from my Heed Abacus DAC; used with my vintage California Audio Labs CD player to a more analogue sounding DAC.  The Heed has improved my CD sound, but still is a bit harsh and a tad light weighted.
I am looking into Border Patrol and Audio Mirror as options (  budget constrains me to 1500 price point ).
Anyone have any experience with these two products?
Thanks and stay well.
mesch mentions an important distinction on the bp... the choice of putting a tube in the power supply stage and NOT in the output stage always struck me as an odd design choice

also -- other very natural sounding dacs in the same league (and cost) to what have been mentioned are:

metrum jade/amethyst/octave
mhdt (various models) all very lovely
ayre codex
van alstine tube dacs

Time to revive an old thread as my DAC journey continues.

Ultimately went with a Bricasti DAC.  Was at an audio store looking for something else but happened to hear the Lab 12 DAC and was wowed by the "golden tone" of vocals.  Set me back into the tube DAC search which I thought I had exited.  The Lab 12 is too big for my cabinet, but the Audio Mirror or Border Patrol both would fit easily.

Question: Do either ( or both ) offer that golden vocal hue?

that golden vocal hue


It would be best if you would audition both, to find out.