@jasonbourne71 +1. All these claims by Lee were unsubstantiated by any lab measurements! He said " just listen". The "My golden ears told me it is so" crowd fell for this hype and bought miles of Monster Cable, making Noel Lee a multi-millionaire! Soon other entrepreneurs took notice and started their own wire businesses. They discovered that all you need was a nicely made product with a catchy name and a liberal amount of print spin (this was pre- Internet). Lab measurements not needed!
@mrskeptic +1.They don't and it isn't objectively provable that they do. The people that say "I know what I hear" or similar, are no different than people who believe a random set of stars in the sky has something to do with what happens in their lives.
People need to justify their "chase" and expenditures thereof. Of course your system will sound better to you if you spend $2000 on speaker wire... it has to, or you have to admit your foolery. If your system doesn't sound right, get different speakers instead of chasing the snake-wires. If your system isn't fully satisfying, the wires are not the issue.