Magnepan LRS+ which amps do you use ? * 100 watts or less **

I have a pair coming in this week and wondering if any folks are having good results with 100watt or less amps 

i have a Rogue  Cronos mag that's about 100 watts , also an Exsposure 2510 that's about 110 into 4 ohms 

do you really need hundreds of watts to enjoy these speakers ?


jbl l100 clearly beat that magnepan  ,, i have heard in my friend's house  ,,, buy  jbl  and sell magnepan,,  thanks me later

I had the original LRS for a while, and the 1.7i

25 watts of good tube power will drive them in a smaller room.  50 watts even better. I was using Black Ice and Cary gear.

Bass can be a little lean,  Room and music dependent.

FWIW, I have relatively large SS mono-blocks driving the 1.7i now.  Sold off all my tube gear.

In my opinion Magnepans sound best at medium-loud volume levels.  Not made for blasting thumping electronica at 100+ dB...


In addition to searching Audiogon, google “Magnepan Users Group”.

In the top left corner you”ll see “Planer Asylum Message Board”.  Click on that and you”ll find a ton of info on everything Magnepan.
