What are the best speakers for 80's hard rock?

Hello folks!
I want suggestions for best speakers and amp for 80's hard rock music. Many bad recordings, so many high end speakers (and amps) sounds very harsh and hard, with little bass. It's more important to me that my stereo can play bad recordings in a good way, than play good recordings in a fantastic way.

I want very laidback and soft treble, but I want a bass that goes deep and alo is very punchy.

I know many people say that I should here on vintage speakers. But I want new speakers. Any price range!

Thanks for suggestions!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Atmasphere is referring to system synergy; you can get the sound you seek by well matched components in your system.

Having said that, Rockpanther, a good source and not only the speakers is still a major factor in reproducing any genre of music, although some speakers do excel at reproducing rock.

you can go vintage and buy a pair of Cerwin Vega (I used these in the 80-90's for Hard Rock/Metal) or Infinity Cresendo Series (made in the 90's).

On the more modern side and my personal reference loudspeaker, Thiel CS 2.4, CS 2.7 or CS 3.7- (the CS 3.7 needs much room to open up correctly- room size should be 20x20, 25x25 or 30x30...etc.)

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Atmasphere is referring to system synergy; you can get the sound you seek by well matched components in your system.

Actually, I'm not talking about synergy although that can play a role. I am simply stating that a speaker is 'ideal for rock' as opposed to other forms of music is one of the biggest myths in the speaker world.

If its good for classical and jazz it should be good for rock. If not, the speaker has a serious flaw and likely isn't all that good for classical or jazz either.

Atmasphere- while I tend to agree, many speakers or combos don't exactly rock out.

I heard Leben with Harbeth for example at a show that put me to sleep!