marantz 11s2 sacd player modifications

has anyone had a marantz 11s2, 7s1 or other older marantz reference sacd player modified ? if so, how did the sound change ?

i will be getting a marantz 11s2 soon and am thinking about having a tube buffer stage installed, to "warm up" the sound. i am not aware of anyone who does this.

does anyone know of any modifiers who have done this in the past ?

I would have to disagree with you here MrT. I've heard the Marantz SA-7S1, and it is on the warm side of neutral, especially when you put it up against the competition, like Esoteric, EMM Labs, Cary, etc.

Yes, you may find a sweeter presentaion with Audio Aero products, or you may even want to try Kevins new DAC.

However, as far as one box players go, the Marantz is definitely not on the lean side of neutral....even in stock form. If you think it is, you really need to listen to more CDP's.

As for me, vinyl is my format of choice, and my modified Marantz SA-11S1 is a CDP that I can listen to and enjoy, which does not cause my ears to bleed. I've heard the stock SA-7S1, and it is a great CDP, I prefer my player, but neither unit would I call harsh or aggresive as many higher priced CDP's that I've heard.

The Marantz SA11S2 is a fantastic player. Why make modifications on it? If you want it better buy the SA7S1.
the changes i want will not be achieved by owning a 7s1. i am interested in achieving a tube like presentation, by softening the sound and shifting the spectral balance.

the 7s1 is more resolving than the 11s2. i am not interested in resolution.
Mr Tennis, your search for the player that is "just right" is well documented and always interesting. I cannot resist asking you since "the marantz is not a warm sounding player," and if you want a warm sounding player, then why did you purchase the Marantz? Why not purchase a Lector CDP 7T, which is a wonderful sounding player with very natural bass and treble, and the full, warm midrange you are looking for? I know you have tried the CDP6 but that is not the same as trying Lector's best player. If this warm, rich sounding player is still not warm enough for you, you could always adjust the sound further by your choice of NOS tubes.
Mitch2 has a good point. I have a SA-7s1 it slightly errs on the warm side of neutral. My friend has the Lector CDP 7T player and it is much warmer and the highs are a little rolled off. I think that would be more to your liking.
Try to get an older model,they are much warmer then the updated ones. You can even roll tubes of your liking.