Recommendations for digital recording device?

It strikes me that I would like to record from my preamp, which has tape loop inputs and outputs, but I have no idea what device I could use to do that. I’m not going back to tape, lol. 

Are there any high quality rack based recorders to do what I want? I’d like a relatively simple interface. I don’t want to break the bank. 


Wow, no repair support? That's sad. 

I know there are not enough repair places as I have my amplifier in for repair at SoundSmith and they have been slammed with work. They're great guys, and I'm willing to be patient. 

i hear in my friend housr  ,, the sound is quite good but noy too special  

Well, I’m not expecting the highest quality level from anything streamed over the net. The sound quality from analog FM is better but I am sure it goes through a digital stage at some point. 

Sometimes the content is more important than the sound quality.

Yesterday, I received the Denon DN-900R. It’s sold out in a lot of places and I had been waiting on it but I found Markertek, a broadcast supply house, that had it in stock so I got it right away.

I hooked it to my Tape Loop 1 inputs and outputs on my preamp and at first I could not get it working. Well, I discovered that it defaults to balanced inputs even when unbalanced cables are plugged in.

Once I set that in Preset 1, and there are something like 39 options in the Presets, lol, it works great! No more waiting for tape to rewind,

I am especially excited to getting the web server up and running so I can program the recordings of broadcasts from a web browser on my computer. That’s going to be slick. I had to order a long network cable for it.

I’m using a 128GB USB stick but have purchased a 1TB one to use instead.
I think the unit sounds great and it is loads of fun to use.

The old days of making tapes was a lot of fun and this brings some of that back. It may seem silly to some but a lot of programs are broadcast once and never rebroadcast or set up for on demand streaming.

Now, I’ll be able to capture some of them. If people know of good broadcasts of, say, live concerts, let me know.