@donavabdear "I've been trying to understand why so many people are willing to spend so much money on cables, when no studio does, easy question really, 0 answers but plenty of attacking me and not the arguments."
To provide at least part of the answer to your question. There are two overriding reasons why specialist hi fi cables are not more widely used in recording studios: cost and logistics.
Recording studios are businesses - usually businesses struggling to make money these days. When they publish a gear list they want product that will attract customers and generate a return for them. So to make a comparison, if the studio spends six grand on microphone cable versus the same amount on a Neumann U67 microphone, it's a slam dunk as to which will generate the better return.
Secondly logistics - and I'm using the term widely. A lot of hi fi cables are too unwieldy to use in long runs. In addition, studio mic cables are effectively consumables. And, back to cost, consumables need to be cheap.
Finally, it is not to say that hi fi cables are not used in the recording industry. Van den Hull makes quite a range of microphone cables. For example, Channel Classics' Jared Sacks uses them. Bob Ludwig's Gateway mastering is cabled with Transparent Audio cables.
PS Could you clarify your various references to the second law of thermodynamics as I'm unclear as to what you are driving at there?