Are audiophiles still out of their minds?

I've been in this hobby for 30 years and owned many gears throughout the years, but never that many cables.  I know cables can make a difference in sound quality of your system, but never dramatic like changing speakers, amplifiers, or even more importantly room treatment. Yes, I've evaluated many vaunted cables at dealers and at home over the years, but never heard dramatic effect that I would plunk $5000 for a cable. The most I've ever spent was $2700 for pair of speaker cables, and I kinda regret it to this day.  So when I see cable manufacturers charging 5 figures for their latest and "greatest" speaker cables, PC, and ICs, I have to ask myself who buys this stuff. Why would you buy a $10k+ cable, when there are so many great speakers, amplifiers, DACs for that kind of money, or room treatment that would have greater effect on your systems sound?  May be I'm getting ornery with age, like the water boy says in Adam Sandler's movie.
dracule1 fav deity HERE), another late night/morn slap fest....😏

"SOTA Goes to Mars: Chapter One"

Joe Phile finds selling his kidney won’t cover the cost of the DAC....


(...pity this died....I was hoping beyond the fringe....)

Gold fuse?  "Entry level", in the opin of some.... ;)

Dracule:  you make too much sense to be on this site.  Have any of these ”enlightened” audiophiles ever reflected on why there are literally hundreds of cable manufacturers, or why some nay-sayers like Jason Bourne have been tarred and feathered on this site when all he was doing was stating that in his experience he didn’t notice a difference (count me in this group as well - but I know, don’t tell me: either my hearing is off or my system is not resolving enough to hear a difference).

the proliferation of cable companies exist for a reason:  it’s a money-making racket.  Sorry that the truth hurts.

@russellrcncom : I understand your urge to post on the topic any chance you get (you guys always do, it's your type of hobby), but you realize you are replying to the OP from June , 2016?? Which is 7 (seven) years ago. I guess the "rage against the machines" still rages on.

@thyname ....of course we do...because some 'issues' just won't go away...

Differences between speakers tend to be obvious; equipment a bit more subtle....

But cables?   8g v. 22g on a speaker I'd grant...

It starts to creep into 'dog whistle' territory, figuratively and technically.

Electron flow is the stuff one would expect from CERN....🙄

@thyname -

    "I understand your urge to post on the topic any chance you get (you guys always do, it's your type of hobby), but you realize you are replying to the OP from June , 2016?? Which is 7 (seven) years ago. I guess the "rage against the machines" still rages on."

                           They'd be HILARIOUS, were they not so pathetic!

                Kind of a perpetual Greek Tragicomedy, or: Soap Opera (UGH).