@kevn Thank you for your thoughtful post.
Anthony Hopkins is one of my favorite people I've ever worked with, we did a movie in the Czech Republic. Understanding how something should sound like an actors voice is a really hard job, what the boom operator does is he or she listens to the way the actor is projecting and places the microphone just off the frame line all the while listing to the polar pattern and off axis collation of the voice. I used the Sennheiser MKH -50's as my go to microphones for most actors but even then behind the mixer I can't really judge his voice as well as the boom operator. When I spoke to hime directly, I got an idea of how his voice actually sounded.
The reason why I mentioned him was because I could only evaluate the recording after it went through all my microphones and electronics it is rare that you hear someones voice like that face to face, and most everyone knows what he supposedly sounds like.
Audiophiles give me the impression that they can evaluate the proper mixing goal of the artist, producer and audio engineer by saying things like this or that sounds natural or to the presentation or the image is thus and so. It is impossible to make judgements like that if the image is bigger with a particular component or cable how do you know that's what was originally recorded. you can't.
The best way to evaluate an accurate set of speakers is listen for mistakes, maybe a punch-in that is off time or a reverb setting on the 2nd viola that was brought in late If the studio mixer left those mistakes in he didn't hear them if your revealing speakers did pick up the problems you probably have better speakers than the mixer did.
Your 2nd question - I will test some new cables I have over 70 speakers in my house and 4x dolby atoms systems so new expensive cable would cost a fortune. I'll order some of the cables that @rodman99999 showed me I agree exactly with their philosophy about cables.
I really liked what you said about audiophiles and logic, I may be barking up the wrong tree about technical issues, but these guys on this forum are not dumb they would know that a logical fallacy or a physical law always trumps feelings about electronics. I was wrong. Professional recording and audiophile communities are completely opposite of course there are exceptions.
I also loved what you said about the nuance and beauty of the electronic field around the conductor, true this idea is so misunderstood probably because electronics were not taught like that.
Last question you asked, Yes some cables sound amazing compared to others, this is a scary thing to say cables are simple compared to the internal electronics in components that put the audio signal through gymnastics all the time.
You have a great attitude, hopefully you didn't think I was trolling or just wanting to fight as many here think of me. Best