Speaker cable suggestion

Looking for a neutral and transparent sounding shotgun pair. Naturalness in the bass is utmost importance. New or used, budget is $1k.
I (as always) will suggest that you conatct Grover Huffman for his opinion, but, I don't think you'd be disappointed, I have a bi-wire set in my rig and they are nothing short of fantastic.
Nordost Heimdall, Stealth Hybrid MLT, Mapleshade Double Helix plus or Tara Labs Air 1 should do the trick. The Stealth would be my reco, but you may not find a pair under $1K, unless you get a great deal or are using shorter lengths.

I currently own the AZ Satori Shotgun speaker cables that Soix mentions. While I would agree with the natural sound, I do not agree that they are neutral and transparent. That is a good thing from my point of view, I sold my pair of Nordost Heimdall when I acquired the AZ SS.
Thank you all for the suggestions. I think I will give a good look at at AZ SS. How about Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator? I've heard a lot of good things about SR and even with Tesla now, I think, discontinued, it might be worthwhile to try it out.
I've been waiting for Heimdall (8' length and banana) to be available on A'gon for quite some time but mostly Frey's come up quite often. I use Heimdall ICs.
Kzhtoo, check other sites. I sold my 8' banana bi-wire Heimdall on other sites about 4 weeks ago. I still have Heimdall ic's for sale there as well. Other sites don't have the volume of Audiogon, but there are less fees and fewer lowballers. Audiogon is but one option.