Amir has posted a presentation explaining speaker measurements..
"Understanding Speaker Measurements"
which I found to be pretty much "matter of fact" presentation, without any obvious bias.
Twenty three minutes into his presentation he explains his Klippel Near Field Scanner.
Good link. I'd like to think everyone chiming in here has seen that particular video in full.
I'm glad Amir put it out because without it, it can be difficult for some of us to make full sense of his reviews.
The level of complexity of such reviews was what put me off ASR initially. I'm always willing to learn new things but my rate of learning is no longer what it was once was.
As we know, learning is a little different from remembering.
Also, "sounds communicate to the brain far more quickly than sights.
Light travels faster than sound, but its pathway to the conscious brain is much slower.
“While vision maxes out at 15 to 25 events per second, hearing is based on events that occur thousands of times per second.”
Fascinating stuff.
I learned a long time ago that I could understand a lot more about someone by carefully listening to their voice than by looking at them.
There is a certain directness about sound and especially the human voice that can speak volumes.
As Amir and the likes of Floyd Toole readily accept, the science of psycho acoustics, just like the study of the human mind, whilst being fairly accomplished, is still far from being a closed book.