"@amir_asr Amir…how about incorporating listening tests and publishing those results along with the measurements. As most reviewers do, list your reference system so that your subscribers can see in what context a component was reviewed and how it performed using your ears as a measurement tool. Don’t use a $99 dac to test a $1700 usb cable. "
As I mentioned, I perform huge number of listening tests in my reviews. So much so that it dwarfs what other reviewers do. Just look at my reviews for headphones, speakers, headphone amps, etc. Here is the latest example of the former:
I do these because differences are large so we are not asking if something makes a difference at all. I suspect that is where you are going with the rest of your comment.
In that class of device, it is critical to perform controlled, blind tests as otherwise results are dominated by improper testing, bias, etc. To be sure, I also do such listening tests from time to time but I put no value on them, and neither should you. Here is an example, the iconoclast cable review: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/belden-iconoclast-xlr-cable-review.33929/
"Iconoclast CLR Cable Listening Tests
I used two setups for listening tests: headphone and main 2-channel system:
Headphone Listening: source was a computer as the streamer using Roon player to RME ADI-2 Pro ($2K) acting as a DAC & headphone amplifier, driving my Dan Clark Stealth headphone ($4K). I started listening with Iconoclast cable. Everything sounded the same as I was used to. I then switched to WBC cable. Immediately I "heard" more air, more detail and better fidelity. This faded in a few seconds though and the sound was just as it was with the Iconoclast.
For my main system, I used a Topping D90SE driving the Topping LA90 which in turn drove my Revel Salon 2 speakers. I picked tracks with superb spatial qualities to judge the usual "soundstage." I again started with Iconoclast XLR TPC cable. I was once again blown away how good my system sounds. I don't get to enjoy it often enough given how much time I spend working at my desk. Anyway, after a while I switched to WBC cable. Once again, immediate reaction was that the sound was more open, bass was a bit more tight, etc. This too passed after a few seconds and everything sounded the same again."
As you see, the rest of the system was specified and it was anything but a "$99 DAC." The DAC costs $2,000. My Revel Salon 2 speakers retail for $23,000 a pair. And as noted, my headphones along cost $4,000.
I put all that info in there to impress folks like you, not that they matter much. :) If they did, then the manufacturer should have put in as precondition of purchase. Which they never do. Plenty of people buy these things and hook them up to modest systems and claim improvements. Don't see anyone telling them their system is too cheap for the difference they heard to be real. The argument is only used when results don't show a difference.
By the way, above review also included proper null tests in addition to measurements. That testing showed beyond any doubt, with real music, that there is no difference due to this cable:
A review doesn't get more comprehensive than this.