Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 



"For example in dac... Dac is a mature technology, and we can now afford a very good one at relatively low price..."

See, this is where the comment breaks down. You can get a very good measuring one, but it may not sound that good. However ASR minions will argue that all Dacs that measure the same sound the same. Rubbish! ESS based Dacs sound shrill in the mid range. Also what is this "mature technology"? Over the years technology tends to improve. Despite your name, (though the Latin is magister), you are not much of a teacher.
I have already said Amir is rude and intolerant. A number of posters have already been banned from ASR for posting contrary opinions, yet Amir is here posting his.
As far as Amir’s measurements being incorrect or off beam, there is plenty of information around on the web, you just need to look for it. Just one example is the silly testing methodology of the Chord M Scaler. Read the following if you want more examples.https://audiophilestyle.com/forums/topic/65677-why-you-cant-trust-measurements/#comments

If you want more, look at some of Amir’s headphone reviews and then read the following:

Then you get people like Matt Hooper, who is actually one of the members of ASR who has less of an attack dog mentality, and who posts under the name "Prof" here, though heaven knows what sort of Prof he is, who post nonsense like "The thing is his critics will never cut him slack." Well "Prof" if you come to erroneous conclusions or use poor methodology why should you get cut slack?

"See, this is where the comment breaks down. You can get a very good measuring one, but it may not sound that good. "

There is a "break down" but not in the way you realize.  None of you bother to eliminate sources of bias and errors in your listening tests before claiming you hear this and that.  It is trivial to show that two identical audio products will get different subjective impressions even though the sound is identical between them. Until this lesson is learned, you will never know the audio truth and wind up chasing ghosts.

Here is a video on that:


I also cover the topic of listener training that was mentioned earlier.

"I have already said Amir is rude and intolerant. A number of posters have already been banned from ASR for posting contrary opinions, yet Amir is here posting his."

I am only here because you all are discussing me and making stuff up that are simply not true. I am thankful that the host is allowing me to reply. Should they want to disallow that, I would accept it and go about my business.

"As far as Amir’s measurements being incorrect or off beam, there is plenty of information around on the web, you just need to look for it. "

You need to do more than "look for it." You need to understand the topic at a very deep level. Otherwise you are just running with talking points that can be shown to be false claims. To wit, you linked to a youtuber who uses an analyzer just to ignore the data that it generates and run off with a bunch of subjective nonsense not backed by said measurements. His video there shows that there are settings in the analyzer that change the results. Well duh! Use the same settings as I do and you get consistent, and repeatable results.

I am getting close to 2,000 measurements I have performed. If there were flaws in my work by now there would be riots in streets with manufacturers countering them. Yet not only do you not see that, but manufactures that do proper engineering continue to send me equipment to test. And participate in ASR as well. I earlier linked to the Focal speaker review I did which was sent to me by the company. My work is somehow proper to them but not for you???

"None of you bother to eliminate sources of bias and errors in your listening tests before claiming you hear this and that. "

Absolute rubbish Amir. You have no idea how many here actually do listen to a variety of equipment without knowing what the equipment is or what the cost is. Again you push the line that you are the omnipotent guru. There are others who have far more knowledge and experience than you, yet you push your video on "listener training" Please!.

"If there were flaws in my work by now there would be riots in streets with manufacturers countering them." There are and for what its worth Goldenone knows far more than you, but when he challenged your measurements you threw him out.

"Well "Prof" if you come to erroneous conclusions or use poor methodology why should you get cut slack?"

You all have been asked repeatedly to state what is wrong with the methodology I use yet nothing specific has come up.  Not a thing.  You just linked to two random online threads as if that is supposed to be something.

As to conclusions being wrong, that is an opinion you have that is not backed by any facts or data.  You just claim it and expect it to be taken at face value.  How on earth is that the right "methodology?"  Do a controlled test as the entire audio science world demands and then we can talk if your results are different than what measurements show.  Until then, you are just unhappy that what you think is right, really isn't based on objective facts, science and engineering.  That is a huge hurdle to get over.