Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


"For someone trying to defend their honor, Amir sure is digging this hole deeper. Clearly he wont address the Erin stuff or the old posts Soundfield brought up. "

There a bunch of you making all kinds of faulty arguments and personal remarks.  It is only one of me answering you between everything else.  Here is briefly the answer to those:


He brings great value to audiophiles with respect to speaker measurements.  All of you who watch his videos better go and support him with a donation or buy products with his sponsored links.

What you can't do is ask me to use the membership and traffic on ASR to help him in gather said cash.  I don't monetize ASR Forum in any form or fashion so sure as heck not going to let someone else do that.  The last video that was posed was a clear clickbait.  The title and thumbnail screamed that.  I made a comment about it and folks started to scream back and forth that he should be entitled to that.  To which I said he can do it in his platform (youtube), not on ASR.  Complaints kept coming so I closed the thread. 

AJ (Soundfield)

If I were you, I would dig into who AJ is before siding with him.  He is used to be the most miserable objectivist on AVSForum.com.  He would roast two high-end subjectivists in the morning for breakfast just as a warm up exercise.  His bullying tactics were so bad that I actually chose to defend high-end audiophiles.  Fortunately his knowledge of audio science and engineering was nill so was easy to push back on his claim after which, he would get personal over and over again.

Let me give you a tasted of that: https://www.avsforum.com/threads/best-amp-for-1000.1309064/page-2#post-19897161

"Here is the reason why there will be such a dichotomy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning...3Kruger_effect

The folks with Dunning-Kruger/zero technical literacy will not be able to discern between their imagination and reality....and they can't be cognizant of this situation/shortcoming (a closed loop scenario described by the wiki link above).

You have a choice. You either accept that there are psychogenic "improvements" to the "sound" that are produced by an amplifier namebrand, price and audiophile "street cred"...which will affect your mind in the same way it did audiophile X...and therefore "sound" "better", etc.

...or you believe that the function of such a component (voltage amplifier) is to increase the signal level and contribute no "sound" of its own (real or imaginary).

The only time you will "hear" an amplifier, is if it is poorly designed (like many "audiophile" designs), or driven past it's linear limits...which is exactly what will happen with some of the lower power, but "audiophile" brandname designs.

The key to a "soundless" amplifier, is good low level ("

One thing AJ never had was common sense and here is an example of it bringing out that I used to defend some of you while he attacked you mercilessly.  

Of course a few years later he decided to build speakers in the garage and quickly realized that saying stuff like above, and acting it, would not be good for business.  Enter those faulty audiophile amplifiers and speaker cables in his exhibits at audio shows.  Amazing how money causes people to completely change their color.

Sadly, the same happened with Erin. He used to a wonderful and core member of ASR Forum.  Then he bought the expensive Klippel measurement system and in the interest of paying it off, tilted hard toward monetizing the content -- again on the backs of ASR.  We repeatedly told him to not do that only to have severely negative reaction from him.  Have seen this happen with another member going through the same phase change and ultimately banned from ASR.  Money's power over some people is incredible.

"Nope, that is not "what he has done." The cable configuration is what it is for electrical parameter control. The configuration is employed to determine the ratio of LCR reactance in order to shape a significant portion of the filter characteristics of that cable. It has an organic core instead of any polymer to decrease DA and lower DF."

And what are those measurements?  Don't exist, right?  But let's say they exist: who the heck says these things are important characteristics in a power cable?   

That cable provides zero filtering as I explained in the video.  If you are going to dispute that where are those measurements?  We can measure filtering, right?  Or are you talking about filtering imaginary things?

Also, if a power cable filters, by definition that is bad for impulses.  A lot of these companies advertise how these cables can handle power spikes better.  Well, if you filter then you filter that demand for power and produce less power!  You see how you are confusing the role of a power cable with that of an interconnect?

Regardless, I performed a null test with music.  That showed there is not a hair difference when using this power cable vs the cheapest thinnest power cable I had on hand:

Adding on, your audio gear performs filtering.  If you need a power cable to do that for you, you have bought one hell of a bad design.  Fortunately even the most incompetent designer out there will build a power supply with filtering (otherwise it would hum badly).  So no, you don't need a filtering AC cable even if such an animal existed.

"Do you ever seat down and just enjoy your music like a normal human being?"

What? Of course I do. I am at desk testing gear for good number of hours every day. All of that is spent listening to music. This is good number of hours per day.

I recently came back from Pacific Audio Fest 2023 and not only did a bunch of listening there, I was the only reviewer posting what music was played there. See my trip reports:




It is so preposterous and arrogant to keep claiming that only subjectivists listen to music. You just want to hate on people for the sake of hating. And folks say I am not nice enough to you???