Vandersteen Quatro CT

This speaker has been available for several months and by some reports is quite special. Anyone have a chance to listen to one? Impressions compared to other Vandy speakers?

I have been interested in the CT Quatros since they were released a couple of years ago and have not seen any review of them in fact hardly a mention on agon or anywhere online about them. Where have you seen them reported on? I would like to hear impressions and comparisons.
They don't need a review when you hear them.
They are much better than Model 5A except in the deep bass.

Above is my opinion. Below I go into detail if you care to read:

Guys, take it for what it is, but I have recently redone my whole system. I have heard nearly everything from 100k down that you can find in stores, plus I've also heard a TON of the boutique home made speakers and even some of the mail order ones.

I was NOT leaning towards Vandys as I purchased Proacs over them over 25 years ago. My quest for speakers ended up at Audio Connection in Verona, NJ. They were the closest Proac dealer and Richard, the US distributor sent me there to get newer Proacs. I heard heard the Proacs D's and then Jonny, the owner put on the Vandy Treo's....I was in SHOCK as to how good they were. They did it all, but were more natural than the Proacs (which are very very good). I ended up getting the Vandy Treo's the same week the CT versions came out. I kind of wish I got the CT's after hearing them recently, but I LOVE mine.

I have been to the store many times over the last year and a half now (3 hr drive) and built a full system. I've been able to listen to the Quatro's (all versions, 5A's, 5 CT and the 7's. I've heard them all with Ayre, Quicksilver, Rogue, Audio Research, Vandy's own amp and Aesthetix gear. 50/50 vinyl and digital (redbook mostly).

I've never heard the Vandy's sound badly. The line gets better as you go up in price, but the Treo's still blow me away daily at home with awesome Ayre gear using Vinyl as well as digital. I'm still up grading and I hear everything that is changed in the system.

The difference between the carbon fiber drivers and the older ones (ceramic coated tweeters) is bigger than I thought it was going to be. I noticed that big time on the Treo's. I do regret not getting them as they are so refined. It's more relaxed (like the differences between vinyl and digital), but had much more detail. You don't even notice it until you spend time with it. The detail is startling. The Quatro's don't have the bass of the 5A's, however it sounds better (not the 5CT's)....Yes, I'll be looking at Quatro CT's over the 5A's if they ever come on the market used. I know that I can get back nearly what I spent on my Treo's and none of use get rid of these speakers unless we are getting the newer versions as they are so good. Even dealers I know well who don't sell Vandy's love them and respect them.

The bass on the Quatro's will be a deep as most people will want or can handle in their room, especially for the cost. To me they are a best buy.

Where do you live? Is there a Vandy dealer near you?
Sounds like I need to listen to a pair and hopefully arrange an in home demo. I had 2 ci's former many years and even had a Model 5 for a year. I could never get the 5 to sound as good as I thought they should. I had bought the 5 off Agon and probably needed a dealer to help get them set up.

Right now I'm really happy with the Legacy Focus SE sound. My only grip with them is their size! They really dominate the room. Which makes me think the Quatro CT might be the way to go. Can't affort the 5 CT.