Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


I have seen repeatable evidence that well designed audio has an inherent ability to reject mains-carried noise and that (as long as it’s well made

What if a product promoted by ASR or by you doesn’t sound good, should I base my desicision on my ears or your measurements?

Do you people ever do listening comparisons?

By the way, Amir owns a Mark Levinson No 532 power amplifier that costs $20,000. I find it strange that Amir couldn’t find a much cheaper well designed amp. Perhaps you could guide Amir to some well designed cheaper components.

I mean components with identical measurements sound the same, right?




Measure three times to cut only once.

I did not read anything from ASR. Well, I seldom read reviews of any kind. I do not have to read reviews which are based solely on a measurements - I'll elaborate: If manufacturer did not disclose them already, there is a problem; on the other hand, calibration of the measuring equipment is yet to be standardized worldwide. So, why would I trust something that is probably corrupt? More about corruption later.

Our technology at the present time is obsessed with making money and showing power, - in short, providing bread and games to the masses - it does not have time for finding answers on all our questions. In audio, we are still measuring rudimentary stuff. Since our science established those values that audio world measures, Physics went over the hills and far away... Technology has yet to catch up.

I often compare music to wine. Sometimes, I ask sommelier for advice. That is usually when I am not familiar at all with what is on the table. 
Measurements of any kind, in regards to the food we eat and wine we drink, can not possibly capture all the aspects of the tested subject. On top of that comes pairing - which is a very nuanced subjective, foggy area. I met plenty of people who would always pair any chicken dish with white wine, because that is the rule. In short, learn rules to break them better: just once, stop listening authorities and try nice Bordeaux Merlot with your chicken... 
Using science to explain yet unexplained sometimes leads to a breakthrough. Unfortunately, as we are corrupt as a species, it leads to the misuse of the facts to suit one's needs... Just read how Edison tried to discredit Tesla.
I am waiting on someone who is going to attempt to measure human reactions on Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata... with encephalography, of course. And playing Apple phone with pods vs. serious audiophile headphones / amp / source. And headphones vs. speakers. Those measurements might tell us more about anything in audio than everything ASR or any other reviewer could ever possibly do. Whole another area would be to use same encephalography approach on, say, 30 pianists while performing it. Now, imagine using those measurements to compare, and subsequently review a piece of equipment.

So, my conclusion is rather simple: when one is insecure so much that can not trust your own senses, measure things. And measure three times, to cut only once.

By the way, Amir owns a Mark Levinson No 532 power amplifier that costs $20,000. I find it strange that Amir couldn’t find a much cheaper well designed amp. 

Why would he, when he gets dealer pricing and MLs spank any AB type amps he's "listened" to? https://www.madronadigital.com/mark-levinson-53

But How Does it Sound
OK, lots of technical talk but does any of this impact the sound? You may know that there are two schools of thought here. One that says all amplifiers more or less sound the same. The other says the exact opposite with each sounding different like the smell of two different flowers. I won’t take a position in that food fight :). But instead, speak of a much less controversial issue of pure power delivery.

As I noted earlier, with the trend of less of efficient speakers and somewhat limited power available from our wall sockets, the amplifier can run out of steam before your desire for dynamics does. This usually translates into the amplifier sound becoming leaner at higher volumes, together with increased high frequency distortion, and less than impactful bass.

In comparison testing I have done, switching amplifiers using the classic class D configuration always sport incredible low frequency control and power. They beat out linear class AB amplifiers almost regardless of price. What they give up though is high frequency fidelity which I find somewhat harsh. The distortion is highly non-linear and challenging to spot but it is there. The Mark Levinson No 53 is the first switching amplifier I have heard which does not have this compromise. Its bass is amazingly authoritative: tight and powerful. Yet the rest of the response is absolutely neutral and pleasant.

If you have not heard these unique amplifiers, I highly encourage you to come into our showroom for a listen. 

I think you guys are being too hard on Amir, he's a lot more like you than you think.

The reformed new Amir does do some nice measurements occasionally though.

@tjag said

Do you people ever do listening comparisons?

First of all, how dare you classify me as "you people"? You know nothing about me, you merely make yourself look small and mean.

Secondly - I do listening comparisons. I've also worked on thousands of different bits of audio kit using measuring tools - because it was my job! You cannot return a bit of repaired audio kit without first proving you've eliminated the reported problem and ears+brain are insufficient for that task, you have to use signal generators, meters and audio analysis kit. I also used to play some music to check all was OK.

I've encountered a great deal of genuinely faulty kit which still sounds OK-ish, ears+brain are a very low grade mechanism for checking things are not broken...