Stereophile review of Millercarbon system featuring Tektron speakers

Looks like the former forum (?) member is active on a new venue and format.  Good for him:

Millercarbon Review at Stereophile


Gone baby gone! I think that's the quickest one out of all his personas.

Wonder who he'll come back as...

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To add to @wolf_garcia ’s spot on post, I think one of the last straws was when he posted a movie clip that’s dialogue with a homophobic slur and the ’N’ word in a thread titled ’Is This Black Enough For You?’

What in the world was he thinking??!

Speaks volumes about the man. And, yes. I understand the premise of the clip.


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I have no idea of the history that's being referenced here but I will say I had the opportunity to speak with Chuck (on the phone) and it was a great extended conversation with a knowledgeable, experienced individual who has a well rounded perspective.

Unfortunately rare in this industry, I look forward to the opportunity to catch up with him again.

Kindest regards, Thomas Foti