Couple of simple forum website suggestions

One of the things I find particularly frustrating about the audiogon forum is layout change as ads are loaded and updated. This causes the location of buttons and clickable links to change. I hate it when I'm about to click on a link only to have it jump up or down on the page. A little simple CSS to fix the height of the divs allocated for the ad placements would solve this problem. 

It would also be nice to have a crumb at the bottom of the page to take us back to the current forum section. Some of the threads have a lot of long posts which require scrolling up through the page to get back to the top. 

Many of the other forums I frequent remember the last post in each thread I visit and will take me to the first new post (since my last visit) when I click on the thread. I realize that this is a bit more complicated to implement, but it would certainly make it a lot more enjoyable to use the forum. 


I'm using a couple of ad blockers for Chrome on my Android and I never see ads when using Audiogon.

A "like" button would help cut down on needless posts where people just agree with a prior post.  So, for example, I could have just liked @rocray's post.