Recommended CD player below 1.5K

I have intention to upgrade CD player in near future, current CD player is Cambridge Audio 540C V2. Is Rega Appolo a good replacement? I am looking for CD player below 1.5K to match my current hifi rig (see system). Please give your recommendation and review if possible.

Is it make a lot of sound difference between unbalanced (RCA) interconnect and balanced (XLR) interconnect?

Simaudio CD1 list is 1500. Maybe you can get discount. If its anything like other Sim CD players, it will be dynamic, detailed, maybe not refined like Marantz reference products. (I have not heard it, going by past experince on 3 other Sim players) Thanks

I started looking for a replacement cdr in the same price range you are.I took a chance and bought a player I had not
heard of.The Grant Fidelity CD-427 tubed player with single-ended and
balanced outputs is a Chinese built player sold in Canada.
Surprisingly it is a very good player.
It blew my Classe CDP-10 away.
The people are very nice and helpful.
Here's one more option for you to consider -- keep your Cambridge 540 and get a good DAC. I really enjoy the sound of my Benchmark DAC -- in my system, better than both the Rega Apollo and the Cambridge 840C.

I second this suggestion. A transport with moving parts can fail - so why plough more money into it - besides the DAC1 has a USB version now and it looks like PC server music is eventually going to replace CD's anyway - in that sense a DAC may serve you better for longer. There are other choices of DAC each with a slightly subtle difference in flavor - however just ensure you get a DAC with highly respected interface jitter reduction capabilities and you can pretty much take the "transport" piece out of the equation.
I have been very pleased with my JAS Audio Musik 1.2 player. It has a tubed output stage with one 12AX7 in it and another tube is used in the rectifier. The player has HDCD too. The remote is solid and the buttons are easy to find. Sound is detailed without edge, refined and liquid and can be improved with the usual tweaks : footers, electrical isolation and a good power cord. Build is very solid; price is well over $1K but lower than your top limit.

If you are considering the Benchmark external DAC, IMHO you should also consider the Apogee Mini-DAC, at a similar price or slightly less. These two units do not sound the same and you may find you have a strong preference.

If you do go for a DAC, don't forget to budget for a good cable. There is a very good chance that a 1.5 meter digital interconnect will sound better than other lengths.
I highly recommend the Audio Aero Prima mk2 for about $1k used. I've had 12 CD players and this one is the best IMO.

The Benchmark DAC1 is very hifi - I found it too analytical and mechanical sounding to be natural. I recommend the Bel Canto DAC2 instead if you decide to go that route. In head-to-head comparisons, the Bel Canto is warmer and more musical. The better choice for you will ultimately depend on your tastes and the rest of your system, so keep that in mind.
