CD players with no or configurable upsampling

I know Creek Evo has no upsampling abilities
Any other ones?
What is the advantage of having none?
There is a purpose for this brickwall low-pass filter. Without this filter aliases of high freqencies will fold into audible band. Filter has to pass 20kHz but reject 44kHz carrier - it cannot be done with even group delay (linear phase) Bessel like filters (no matter how many poles). Result of using non-Bessel filter is wrong summing of harmonics and altered sound.

When you say upsampling you probably mean oversampling. Upsampling is particular case of oversampling with non-integer ratio and asynchronous reclocking.
As of the close of September, 2008, I have terminated my relationship with Opera Audio/Consonance for reasons not necessarily relevant to this discussion, but can speak to the differences related to the product line, here specifically, their oversampling and non-OS CD player topologies.

First, in my opinion, the differences between the two are that the non-OS topology offers a more open, engaging, and exciting sound. The oversampling players offer a richer, more relaxed, and voluptuous nature, with more powerful and extended low frequency performance. Which one is best is obviously quite subjective. But, to answer which one is more "analog", in my estimation, it's the oversampling machines.

The CD120 Linear is one of the gems of the product line. I tried my darndest to keep the price artificially low at $995 so as to not really have any competition at its price point. Often, all it took to win a place in a dealership was to walk in with this player, have the staff A/B it against a Jolida or Rega, and I was soon good to go.

As far as I'm concerned, the Reference CD2.2 Linear is a quite an underwhelming performer. Especially, at its $1995 price point. The lightweight bottom end and overall thin sound were definitely not my cup of tea. Instead, the Reference CD2.2 MKII and CD120T oversampling players, at the same $1995 are easily superior, and especially good sounding units, and at this point, I'm keeping one as a personal reference in one of my systems.

Bottom line, if you're going to go with Consonance and you've got $1K to spend, go for the non-oversampling CD120 Linear. If you've got $2K, choose either the Reference CD2.2 MKII or CD120T oversampling, tube output machines with volume control. Bypass the oversampling CD120 Balanced and non-oversampling Reference CD2.2 Linear.

The achilles heel of all Consonance CD players, apart from the full-sized Droplet 5.0 (which uses the Philips CD transport) is the abysmal reliability of their Sony transport/laser head assemblies. In fact, the rate of failure of the total number of units (which includes the Droplet 5.0, whose transports NEVER fail) I imported in 2007 approaches 80%. So long as you can stomach that, which is a pretty big IF, they earn my recommendation.

Thank you,
I guess an option would be to use Consonances DAC16 (which is the same as the 120 Linear's)with the transport of your choice.

I enjoyed my time with the 120 Linear. It was so musical and I found it very anologue sounding to my ears. The only comparison I made it to was a Resolution Audio CD50. The Linear had better pace but was not quite as analogue sounding, but not far off either. The Resolution had a bit better detail. It was more engaging and held its own quite well to this costly player.
i have reviewed, auditioned and owned many 24 bit oversampling cd players, including:

bat vk5, musical fidelity a5, lector .6, vincent cd s6, esatern electric minimax, etc. .

such players are not warm or tube like. i have gone to ces and auditioned many cd players which utilize upsampling. they are not warm.

i agree with mrjstark. as for analog sound, since there are many arms, cartridges and tables, the term analog sound is somewhat ambiguous. it would be useful to describe what analog sound means.
Yeah, I should probably add IMO to my post.
And no Ckoffend, I won't recommend anything that would add nothing to what I've said.

At the end, it's in designer's hands to voice his/her gear in one way or the other.

I own both and just report what I hear with my inexperienced ears.
