Which phono stage for Garrard 401 with Shure V15 lll cartridge

Hi everyone


i am getting back into vinyl and bought a Garrard 401 / Shure V15 lll. I need to decide on a suitable phono stage. I have an opportunity to buy an AR PH3SE, a Pro-ject Phono Box RS or something up to a maximum budget of $1500. What would you recommend? Looking forward to your responses. Thanks!


the rest of my system consists of:

Threshold Stasis 3

Audio Research LS2

ProAc Studio 250s

Digital: PS Audio Perfectwave dac + transport

PS Audio power plant for everything


I had an ARC PH3SE, and replaced it with a Herron VTPH-1mm (moving magnet only, providing 42-44 dB gain. Plenty enough for your Shure). Muchas better. You might have to wait a while for a used one to show up, but it’s worth the wait. The VTPH-1 was replaced by the improved VTPH-2, but the improvement was mostly in the mc gain stage. It also sells for about twice the price of the VTPH-1.

Another phono stage its’ owner like is the one by K & K Audio. It was made in numerous versions, all a little different. Again, it will take patience to find a used one.

I too used the PH3SE with an LS-2, and you may consider replacing the LS-2 with a pure tube line stage, which Keith Herron also made. Again, a worthwhile improvement (imo).

Add the Hagerman Trumpet to your list. Hard to beat for the money. And tube swapping makes it even more fun…..and engaging.


This Quicksilver should fit the bill. I own one!!


INPUT IMPEDANCE SELECTION The internal circuit board has a switch for imped�ance selection(47k or 10k) and a switch for capaci�tance selection(470pf or 270pf). Normal input impedance is 47k and 270pf but Shure cartridges require 470pf of capacitance and Grado car�tridges require 10k of impedance. 10k is also used with moving coil cartridges.

You will want something as good, or better than your preamp.  Is this possible and not exceed your budget!

I didn't know that about Grados @yogiboy. Londons/Deccas---similar to Grados only in being moving iron pickups---also like lower impedances. Zesto Audio designer George Counnas includes a 15k setting in his pre-amp, specifically for Londons/Deccas.