Solid State Phono Stages

I used to be an all-tube guy, but I’ve now ventured into the realm of high-end solid state with T+A and no longer have any itch to go back heavily into tubes. Now, the only tubes I have left in my system are in my Modwright PH9.0X phono, and from what I’ve demoed against it, it seems to be a giant killer. I do love it, but I’m curious to try a higher end solid state phono stage to see what more noise and more music might sound like. Unfortunately T+A does not have a standalone phono stage, so I’m looking at other manufacturers and open to other opinions.

I currently have a Clearaudio Innovation Wood table and Air Tight PC-1s cartridge. i listen to a wide range of music, from Zeppelin to Vivaldi to Beck to Coltrane to Yello. The stage would ideally have between 65-74db of gain, maybe adjustable to 60db at minimum, and have variable impedance values. A balanced output stage would be ideal. I don’t ever really plan to have a second arm, but most stages that retail over $7K tend to have multiple inputs anyways.

My budget would be at tops ~$8K for a used unit. The unit that is sticking out to me from what I’m reading about is the Simaudio Moon 810LP. Another high on the list is the Esoteric E-02. I’ve also come across the Pass XP-27, the Gold Note PH-1000.

I’m looking for a stage with some personality in its character, not one that is overly refined. I’d love for it to be dynamic and bold when it should be, and also gentle and refined when it should be.

The only solid state stages I’ve ever owned and tried were the Pass Labs Xono, which was clean sounding but a little noisy and brittle sounding compared to a PS Audio Stellar Phono. I’ve liked all my tube phono stages better than both of those units.

I’ve also considered going further up the tube stage route, looking at Doshi 3.0, Aesthetix IO Eclipse, but I’m hesitant unless I can hear those in place. 

What solid stage phono stages have you loved, and what have you compared them to?

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Not too long ago, I have made it known, I am a Valve Phon' individual who has come to this place after being a user of SS Phon's.

I do admit the change to a Phon' with a Tube Input/Output, took one to be Bespoke Produced for myself.

Over the past few years, I have been an invited guest to offer a assessment on a SS Phon' Design that has been undergoing R&D as a Prototype.

During this span of time, I have also been invited to be auditioned / demo'd a selection of Phon's, mainly SS, of which some are DIY Builds and one other being the being the Phasemation EA-350.

It was not until I was demo'd the Phasemation, that I could even suggest I was hearing a Phon' had a remote comparison to the Prototype Phon' I have been familiarised with. Without both Phon's side by side compared, my thoughts are only that, merely recollections of two produced sonics with quite some time between each of the experiences encountered.

More recently something happened as a result of having my first demo' of my Pre-Amp' that is being built for me.

The outcome being that I have now developed a curiosity similar to the Threads OP, where I am very curious, to learn how a SS Phon' will present in my system, when supported by my new pre-amp's.

For myself this is quite a profound shift, as I thought I was limiting myself to discovering how a few SUT's from the same designer/Brand were to perform as a home demo'.

The SS Phon' curiosity has evolved in recent days further.

I have discussed with the EE/ Designer and in my case Builder (This Phon' is already available to be purchased a Commercial Sale Item)  a Bespoke end Build for this design of Phon'.

lt will be initially unique from the off set, in keeping with my Pre Amps, as the cases will be produced from Densified Wood.

Where the Bespoke will come, is that I will be suggesting a selection of Components to be used, that I have come to learn as being very valuable when added to a circuit. (I have yet to attain permission from the designer of these hooks for components to be able to use them). The end product will be attuned to my own preference using the design that has already thoroughly impressed as the measure for the changes to the sonic be put in place.

I though I was spent with Vinyl as a Source, where I had a arrived at a place where  my only concern is for the care/preservation of the Source Material and the careful looking after of a Cartridge.

Hey Ho, no more rolled up trouser legs having a paddle, it is back in the water and  having a swim, fortunately in trusted water.  

I use three different phono stages in my systems, two solid state and one tube.

We did a shoot out on my main system recently - my Vendetta SCP2-D against a Herron that had been updated to Herron VTPH-2.

Signal came from a Koetsu Urushi/SME V/ VPI TNT V.

It was a stand off with the exception of the Herron being slightly better in the higher frequencies. I adjusted the cartridge loading and they were a dead tie.

Pindac, Please forgive me for my ignorance, but in at least two posts on this thread you have referred to "hooks".  What's a hook?

It is a term used by Guitarists to describe their insights to produce a uniqueness to the sound they are capable of creating.

BB King once stated something like, " If a very well known Guitarist is Front Row  at a show, turn your back on them, as they are there to steal your 'hooks'. "

Jeff Beck is renowned for being the Guitarist who has had most 'hooks' plagiarised.

EE's who I discuss things with use 'hook', it is this terminology that suggests there is experiences being used to produce a sonic, that is manifesting from the creation of a unique circuitry/topology or component treatments that are instrumental in creating a unique sonic signature.

This is where Bespoke Design/Built is difficult to describe, it is not something readily available to be heard in use. Assessments made are for the best, if an experience has been encountered, the impression being made on a listener is then much better understood.        

So a hook is a characteristic coloration that pleases the listener(?) Because electric guitars are deliberately distorted at the source.