And again, you measured the speakers first and THEN listened?
Putting the cart before the horse and insuring your measurement philosophy bias.
Nope. I don't trust any subjective review that is not grounded on measurements. They would be expressing random views in totally uncontrolled situation. I don't see my role as being yet another subjective reviewer to give you such an opinion. You can get that from myriad of other sources.
I listen for a specific purpose: to verify what measurements show as far as audibility. Measurements may show a dip between 1 to 3 kHz. How audible is that? I put in a reverse filter to compensate. Then I perform AB tests, blind if needed and assess that. Many times I find that measurements are correct in that regard. That the sound does get better. Such was the case with Magnepan LRS. Sometimes the correction doesn't help in which case I remark that in the review and search for explanation.
A bonus outcome of the above is that you get a set of filters anyone can apply to the same speaker. When doing so they can opine if the sound got better, or not. This feedback is frequently shared and in many cases it is positive. Indeed many people send me speakers/headphones just so that I create such a filter for it!
The above has worked so effectively that I now give dual review ratings for headphones: one as is and one with EQ correction:
Rating on the left says "fair." Rating on the right says "superb." Here are the listening test results post measurement:
Audeze LCD-X Headphone Listening Tests and Equalization
The sound out of box is quite boring and bland. So equalization tool came right out:
I used dual filters to try to better shape the low frequency boost as it has a complex shape. I then used another pair to fill in the hole in 3 to 5 kHz. The final filter in yellow at 5.8 kHz is just a "stopper." I use a bit of negative gain to make sure there is no boost at that point and farther in frequency response. It helped keep the headphone from sounding too bright post EQ.
Once there, these headphones were a delight to listen to. The sound is now light and airy with really good spatial qualities. Dynamic ability is excellent letting you listen at any level with no hint of distortion. The sound is so nice that a day later, I am listening to them as I type this review.
I am happy to strongly recommend the Audeze LCD-X 2021 revision with equalization. Without it, it is a pass for me.
See how methodical the process is? It is not just a word salad with a bunch of unrelated talk about this and that album I used to listen with.
I explain all of this in one of my videos and proof points of why the type of subjective reviewing you ask for generates totally unreliable results: