@carlsbad2 wrote:
@emergingsoul Looks like you hurt the feelings of some sensitive sold state guys. They arn’t ok with your prefernce for tube amps.
Oh well.
Oh, it’s not really about preference. It would seem there are even some valve aficionados out there troubled by the absolutist stance of the OP, which is the crux of the matter, right? But I guess to some valve lovers seeing it being made into an objective fact that valves rule helps boosting their egos, or something.
Even still, why are so many riled up about the statement made by the OP? Is he an über-authority, a deity? It’s just words, a stance likely meant to provoke. Whatever floats your boat in whatever setup context. I’ve heard great of both valve-based and SS amps; the former (i.e.: SET’s) in particular through passively configured high efficiency speakers, the latter on actively configured dittos.
It may interested some to know that, not only to my ears, SS amps actively configured in some regards have a somewhat more "tubey" sonic imprinting vs. running low eff. passive speakers, not least through the midrange and HF region. This is perhaps more the arena of Mr. Karsten of @atmasphere if there are changing distortion characteristics (or their lack) at play here to account for sonic differences, but in any case the SS amps would see a vastly easier load when not looking into a passive crossover, which is likely the main reason for a deviation in named characteristics.