Optional S/PDIF digital input for APL Denon 3910

Dear Audiogoners,
I am a quite happy owner of APL modified Denon 3910.
Currently I am in the process of transferring my whole music collection to a music server in FLAC format.
In the chain of equipment I would need good quality DAC. The thought occurred to me that instead of purchasing new DAC, I should be able to install optional S/PDIF Coaxial Digital input allowing for connection of digital sources to my Denon (this option was offered by Alex after I modified my player).
Currently Alex is nowhere to be found (probably he is enjoying his stay in Bulgaria, who knows ;-) , so I am on my own.
My question to you is: do you know any good technician preferably in San Francisco area who would be able to add this type of input into my player?
Your answers and help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance
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OK, great ideas from Billbench and Tvad. Will report back after I try contacting them this week.
Swampwalker, please do report back. I am one of those stuck with an NWO that is not functioning properly.

I do think Alex will return or let us know where to get our units repaired, but when is the question. He has been gone since May or June (can't remember) and refuses to reply to emails. And everyone knows his CSM quit.

Not great business practices for someone who wants to release a new product soon.
I thought I would chip in here regarding APL as I am also very concerned - I submitted a thread about this issue which has not been posted to the forum.

I have an order in for a NWO - it was placed 19 months ago in April 2007. I have since been promised delivery in October 2007, January 2008, April 2008, May 2008 and still no player in sight.

Alex is apparently somewhere in Europe and Brent due to health reasons is no longer the customer representative - I have provided a US$5,000 deposit plus provided an Esoteric X01 player.

I am currently considering what options are available to me including legal action but if anyone else is in a similar position I would be interested to hear.

I would like to cancel my order and be refunded for my out of pocket expenses but believe this will not happen.

Many thanks

James, I feel your pain. Out of curiosity, did you give your $$ and Esoteric to Alex or to Brent?