Moving magnet hum

I have just installed an AT150 MLX cartridge after years of moving coils (thanks to the long thread). I like the sound a lot, but I have some low level hum which I have never had while using LOMCs. Could it be due to a ground loop caused by the ground strap on the green cartirdge pin? If so, please advise if it is a risk to remove and if it can be reinstalled.

Same exact problem.  First MM cartridge and cannot tolerate the intermittent buzz. How do I know if this cartridge has a ground tab? Sumiko Amethyst. Thank you.  Lou

Most cartridges don’t have a “ground tab”. The 4 pins are used as hot and ground, respectively, in each of two channels in a SE connection.  But in a balanced connection to a balanced phono stage, the ground pins deliver the negative phase of the audio signal. So your grounding problem probably lies elsewhere unless one of those pins you’re using for audio ground in an SE connection is loose or disconnected. Check that but also look at the external ground connection between phono stage and TT or tonearm.

You fixed the problem! Is the headshell metal?

Some installations may require the cartridge shield to be elec�trically isolated from the"RG" terminal. This can be achieved by removal of the ground tab.

To the best of my knowledge, only a very few cartridges have one of the two "ground" pins connected to tonearm ground and hence to earth ground.  Decca and early Grado come to mind.  Certainly there may be others. So, Yogiboy, what "ground tab" are you talking about? I respect your fund of knowledge, but I am confused.  Sounds like the AT150MLX has a ground tab(?)


The OP said his AT has a ground tab. All of the Shures that I have owned had a ground tab. Hence I quoted that from Shure. BTW, I have never seen a ground tab on any older Grados that I have owned!