Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers

Several weeks ago I took delivery of a pair of Martin Logan CLX ART speakers. I hooked them up with the supplied power cords from the seller. The sound was pretty underwhelming, so I let them settle in. After about 4 days the sound had not changed significantly. I decided to rob a pair of PI Audio power cords from my phono stages and put them on the CLX. Signicant change and was getting the sound I expected. 

The question I ask myself is why? This is a low current power supply that just feeds the stators. 

If it is indeed significant, and it seems to be, what level of cord is going to meet the needs? No reason to spend more than I have to. 


Looking forward to reading your thoughts or experiences. 


This is so great.....the handfull of "it cannot make a sonic difference because I think so" objectivists.......come out in full force about power cords and fuses. There are thousands and thousands of posts all over the world about the sonic differences in AC plugs, power cords, getting cords off the floor, fuses, fuse directionality, etc. All these people must be deaf or deluded.....only you handfull of objectivists are correct.......because you will not listen. You clearly know that listening is biased. You correctly know that measuring a power cord results in no difference in measured THD or resistance.....and that this is the only thing that matters. Please people, do not listen to your stereo to know anything about sound. Just listen to the objectivists who do not listen. THEY KNOW WHAT SOMETHING SOUNDS LIKE......because, THEY DO NOT LISTEN.

... the handfull of "it cannot make a sonic difference because I think so" objectivists.......come out in full force about power cords and fuses. There are thousands and thousands of posts all over the world about the sonic differences in AC plugs, power cords, getting cords off the floor, fuses, fuse directionality, etc. All these people must be deaf or deluded ...

Just to be clear, the people you describe aren’t really objectivists. They are measurementalists. A true objectivist does not routinely dismiss empirical evidence.

There’s a Youtuber on another A’gon thread who is aggressively promoting his videos and website. He’s exceptionally proud of the measurements he makes, but he admits that he doesn’t listen to everything he tests. Somehow, he just "knows" how things sound. For him, listening is a waste of time.

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